What is Lucid Dreaming?

The basic definition of lucid dreaming requires nothing more than becoming aware that you are dreaming. However, the quality of lucidity can vary greatly. When lucidity is at a high level, you are aware that everything experienced in the dream is occurring in your mind, that there is no real danger, and that you are asleep in bed and will awaken shortly. With low-level lucidity, you may be aware to a certain extent that you are dreaming, perhaps enough to fly or alter what you are doing, but not enough to realize that the people are dream representations, or that you can suffer no physical damage, or that you are actually in bed.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

First Time flying Lucid!

I was in an apartment of some kind being chased by an FBI agent with a gun who turned out to be Condoleeza Rice (lol dont ask me why). Anyway, she chased me down the stairs of this apartment until I reached I dead end which turned out to be a small room with a toilet and a window which I couldn't get out of. Suddenly it came to me that I was dreaming and became lucid so I became invisible and drifted through the wall to see Condoleeza slowly approaching the room which I was in with her gun ready thinking I was still there, but I was right infront of her.

The hell with this, I thought, so I jumped throught the wall and starting flying (I've had flying dreams before where I was aware, but not completely in control and 100% lucid, so i knew what I was doing) and played around with my flying speed trying to go faster then ever before! So fast that it scared me a little =)

So I was pretty excited and getting all arrogant, I wanted to see what position my sleeping body was in. I felt my body and its position in the bed and shortly after that I woke up... happy to have my 1st completely lucid dream!


  1. flying must be nice. i had a dream today where one of my good friends sued me

  2. Sounds like a pretty awesome dream, but pink on blue is making my eyes bleed.

  3. i remember i used to be able to lucid dream and fly. i'm sad now. :(

  4. awesome i'd love to experience this

  5. I hope I can do this soon myself.

  6. Congrats! I love flying in my dreams

  7. I can't even remember my last.

  8. I often dream of flying, it does feel pretty good

  9. this is a really cool blog. I'm gonna go back and read through how to do it.

  10. Sounds like you were living out your criminal fantasies.
