What is Lucid Dreaming?

The basic definition of lucid dreaming requires nothing more than becoming aware that you are dreaming. However, the quality of lucidity can vary greatly. When lucidity is at a high level, you are aware that everything experienced in the dream is occurring in your mind, that there is no real danger, and that you are asleep in bed and will awaken shortly. With low-level lucidity, you may be aware to a certain extent that you are dreaming, perhaps enough to fly or alter what you are doing, but not enough to realize that the people are dream representations, or that you can suffer no physical damage, or that you are actually in bed.

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Carrot on the Stick

The Carrot on the String

Now that I’ve covered the basics of lucid dream sex, I’ll move on to the real trouble with using lucid dreaming to explore sexuality: the Carrot on the String.
How many times have you realized you are dreaming and then wasted no time finding a romantic partner to couple with, only to find that the would-be-lover walks away, transforms into someone who is not attractive, or becomes angry and menacing?
Maybe you disengage to find another partner, only for the process to repeat again, either by meeting resistance, disinterest, or bizarre character transformations that you couldn’t even tell your best friends about out of sheer embarrassment.
Just when what you want is in reach, something yanks the string and you are left grasping at air.
This is the “carrot on the string,” one of the greatest self-limiting constructs in lucid dreamwork. Just when what you want is in reach, something yanks the string and you are left grasping at air.
The reason this happens is because most of the time we do not really crave lucid dream sex, but sexual connection. Nor do we really want to “have” that attractive person. Long story short, once we stop treating our fantasy dream loves like objects (specifically: carrots) to have or possess, entire new worlds of possibility open up.


  1. It's about exploring the vast realms because there's endless possibilities :D

  2. Very interesting. I had a really weird sexual dream two nights ago. It was more perverted than sexual actually.

  3. that was a good read, very interesting. thanks! :)

  4. wow interesting, thanks for sharing

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. I had a lucid dream the other night where I had a threesome, then another person tried to hit on me, but I denied them because I found out they were a trap... I'm not shitting you either.

  7. Wow. That's pretty upsetting. Still the concept of lucid dreaming alone is awesome.

  8. You got totally right my friend. You must know your partner will 'manifest' into your dream from your thinking (love or hate)... So just be peacefull!

  9. Interesting viewpoint about the sexual connection...

  10. My girlfriend did this in a dream the other day

  11. lol great post! never experienced this but my bf has

  12. Hmm, maybe I should get into lucid dreaming again. It's just such a pain.

  13. Really interesting blog man... I'm following :)

  14. Very good advise, completely agree!

  15. Interesting perspective on this subject. I have yet to get to that point in my dreams.

  16. Great views on this! Objectivity of a mate can happen whether you lucid dream or not :)

  17. i actually attempted lucid dreaming a couple times, it didnt work at all for me :/

  18. Really cool stuff, more to come hopefully.

  19. I've tried, I probably don't have the patience to lucid dream.

  20. Damn I have to exercise it more. Every time I realize I'm dreaming I wake up.

  21. wow glad i found a lucid dreaming blog, i actulaly lucid dream quite often and have been doing so for years. its a sad but true fact that i enjoy dreaming more than real life

  22. Can't stop waking up when I realize I'm dreaming. :(

  23. Same as above, I've just had a couple lucid dreams, but when I realize im dreaming everything just fades to black.

  24. Good insight, nice post! Thankfully, I learned a long time ago to not wake up when I realize I'm dreaming!

  25. this is really advanced for me. I can barely dream at all, let alone try to do complex stuff with them.

  26. Great blog, I checked out your other blogs and they are fantastic. Do you do this for a living, I wouldn't mind starting my own blog. What does it take? How long are you actually blogging?

  27. Well, the Hot and Naughty one is a little whatever but it's not bad to look at! Hahaha
